Air Optix Aqua (3 lenses)

Air Optix Aqua (3 lenses)
Categories: Contact Lenses, Lenses
Brand: Air Optix
13.99 GBP
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Air Optix Aqua are monthly silicon hydrogel contact lenses by Alcon designed for daily wear. Air Optix Aqua offer all the advantages of silicon-hydrogel in combination with higher water content, high oxygen permeability and improved resistance against deposits. Their oxygen permeability allows the wearers to occasionally sleep with the contacts in (for a maximum of 6 nights). The prolonged wear of Air Optix Aqua should be consulted with a optician. Air Optix Aqua contact lenses are more resistant against protein build-up thanks to their special surface plasma technology which provides deposit protection. We offer the Air Optix Aqua contact lenses in other versions as well, such as Air Optix Colors coloured contacts or the innovative Air Optix Plus Hydraglyde contact lenses with a moisturizing HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix complex and SmartShield technology against debris accumulation. Users of the Air Optix Aqua contacts can start using the new Air Optix Plus Hydraglyde lenses without a new prescription.